Logo FontaineBleue

Biofertilizer professionnals

Fontaine Bleue Inc. is a Canadian firm founded in 2012. Its objectives are twofold :

Promote the use of organic fertilizers and additives based on micro-organisms in agriculture.

Organic fertilizers and additives based on micro-organisms are increasingly used to solve the problems of compaction and depletion of soil organic matter, as well as to control certain diseases and parasitic infestations. They increase the availability of plant nutrients which translates into improved crop quality and increase productivity.

Tackle the issue of pollution from manure of farm animals by promoting manufacturing technologies of organic fertilizers.

Excrement of livestock and cereal crop residues (straw) are enormous and inexpensive resources that are potentially recyclable. Making compost from organic waste and adding microorganisms can transform waste into a "biological treasure." These cheap resources will create fertile and healthy soils by reducing the consumption of chemical fertilizers and helping to promote plant and animal production in a more environmentally friendly way.